“WHEN WELLS RUN DRY” By Francis Ben Kaifala


No door’s so wide that can’t be locked

No light’s so bright that can’t be blocked

No lightening flash without thunder bolt

No burst of smoke without fire so close

Where will we be when our wells run dry?


Nature’s kind is bound to cease

Flow of Wealth is sure to freeze

So when we pluck our garden seeds

Tis wise to think that harvests ease

Like Joseph did in Egypt’s days of need


That’s what should be in lands of care

The leaders think on what is fair

So guide their steps in strides of fear

On rainy days do keep in careful ware

What all would reap when seasons dare.


I look with awe as our futures wear

Our leaders gladly sign what they ought to tear

Like smoke in wind our wealth disappear

Educated fools indeed they are

Who read and write but can’t infer


With all their talks and smartly looks

Colourful CV’s and boastful title hooks

They’re moved around by foreign crooks

Who barely learnt to read their nursery books

But allowed to cart away our precious goods


Doesn’t State House know that wells dry out?

Hasn’t Gloucester Street heard of Sovereign Fund Account?

Isn’t George Street aware how called-in Bonds can wreck our heights?

And keep our Cake in stock on pouring nights?

That children unborn can have their share of bites


Tis not too late to build our Rome!

For our hills and swamps their yield to keep

Prepare for when Kono’s saggy breasts no longer feed

And Foreign Foes with joy their homes recede

But Common sense is all we need!


© 2013 Francis Ben Kaifala. All rights reserved. No unauthorized publication.









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